Service Charges, Fees & Subscriptions

Service Charges

  1. Hosting

    1. Hosts with a Basic account must pay a Service Charge amounting to 15% of the total ticket revenue generated for each competition.
    2. Hosts with a Premium or Pro account must pay a Service Charge amounting to 10% of the total ticket revenue generated for each competition.
    3. The Service Charge applied to each competition is calculated based on the Host’s Account Type at the time each competition ends.
    4. The Service Charge is deducted from the balance due to the Host.


  1. Featured fees

    1. Hosts have the option to feature their competitions on our Public Raffles page.
    2. Hosts must pay to feature each competition.
    3. For a competition with a fixed maximum number of paid tickets, the fees are determined by multiplying the ticket price by the capped number of paid tickets to calculate the total value of the competition. This total value is then used to calculate the fee based on the duration the competition is to be featured, as follows:
      3 days
      0.5% of the total competition value
      1 week
      1% of the total competition value
      1 month
      2% of the total competition value
      2 months
      3% of the total competition value
      5% of the total competition value
    4. For competitions with an unlimited number of paid tickets, the fees are set based on the duration for which the competition is featured, as detailed below:
      3 days
      1 week
      1 month
      2 months
    5. Featured fees are non-refundable.
    6. Featuring a competition on the Public Raffles page does not guarantee additional entries.
    7. Hosts that have a Pro account at the time of featuring their competition will receive a 50% discount from the Feature fees.

  1. Invite fees

    1. Hosts have the option to send email invites.
    2. The fee to send email invites is calculated at £0.02 per email invite sent.
    3. This service has a minimum charge of £5 per campaign.
    4. Invite fees are non-refundable.
    5. Sending email invites does not guarantee additional entries.
    6. Hosts that have a Pro account at the time of sending email invites receive a 50% discount from the Invite fees.


  1. Host Account Subscriptions

    1. A Basic account is Free of charge.
    2. A Premium account subscription costs £8 per month (excluding VAT) and is billed yearly in advance.
    3. A Pro account subscription costs £83 per month (excluding VAT) and is billed yearly in advance.
    4. Host account subscription fees are non-refundable.
    5. Host account subscriptions are renewed automatically unless canceled by the Host prior to their next billing period commencing.
    6. Host account subscriptions can only be canceled using the ‘Cancel subscription’ button on our website.
    7. Host account subscriptions cannot be canceled if features from the subscribed account type are in use.
    8. If a Host account subscription payment is overdue, any revenue due to the Host and/or their supporting Charity or Cause cannot be withdrawn until the overdue Host subscription fee has been paid.
Last modified: 13 February 2024