Enter Raffle to Win Heat Geek | Heating

Hosted by
Allen Hart
Hosted by
4 raffles
4 previous winners


4 raffles
4 previous winners
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Hosted by
Allen Hart
Hosted by
4 raffles
4 previous winners


4 raffles
4 previous winners

Hosted by

Allen Hart
Allen Hart


4 raffles
4 previous winners

Raffle Summary

The Awakening Single Course The Course Heat Geek’s “The Awakening” is the first half of an online training course focusing on heating design and controls in the heating industry and teaches the fundamentals of heating design. The specific aim is to give real-world usable information and practices in a simple to understand way and cut out unnecessary jargon, enabling you to install more efficient systems, move into renewables such as heat pumps and also move into commercial heating. The course usually takes between 20 and 40 hours. Access will be given for a limited time only of 6 months, but this can be extended for one further month, however only if requested prior to the original expiry date. During this time you will build an ultimate reference folder for you to refer back to long term throughout your career. Beware – This course is not the same as typical industry ‘tick box’ courses. We push you hard in our training to become a heating master and you will need to put time and effort in to complete the course. But no matter where you are in your journey, as long as you watch the videos a few times, put in the time, and importantly engage in the peer-to-peer platform as much as possible you will become a true master.

1 Prize

  • Online Training Course


    Delivery not included

Raffle Ends

Saturday, 2nd July 2022 at 17:00 or when the last ticket is sold (whichever comes sooner)

Charity Donation

100% of the host's revenue goes directly to:

Registered Charity No. 1045077

Raffall Guarantee

If the host fails to provide a prize, the winners will receive a share of the compensation amounting to 75% of all ticket sales.

All compensation payments are guaranteed and paid directly by Raffall.

The Winners


Elliott Fry

Won Heating Design Online Training Course on 02 July 2022


Allen Hart is so obviously giving his all to the charity and his honesty with things such as raffles and online help show Allen's integrity.

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