Promo Codes

Promo Codes

Promo codes are unique alphanumeric codes that raffle hosts on Raffall can create to offer participants bonuses when they purchase tickets. These codes must be issued by the hosts to specific Raffall users, who become responsible for promoting both the raffle and their promo codes. This personalised approach ensures that the owner of the promo code has a direct incentive to encourage participation, as they can earn affiliate commission from the sales made using their code.

Why Use Promo Codes?

Promo Codes vs. Ticket Bundles
While ticket bundles and promo codes both aim to increase participation and ticket sales, they offer different kinds of value and are best used in conjunction with each other:
  • Visibility and Distribution:
    • Ticket Bundles: Provide clear value; participants must purchase a specified number of tickets to receive additional free tickets. The offer is straightforward and easily understood by participants.
    • Promo Codes: Offer flexibility; participants receive bonus tickets for any purchase amount, even if they buy just one ticket. This flexibility can encourage participation from those who might be hesitant to commit to a larger purchase upfront.
  • Value Proposition:
    • Ticket Bundles: Provide clear value; participants must purchase a specified number of tickets to receive additional free tickets. The offer is straightforward and easily understood by participants.
    • Promo Codes: Offer flexibility; participants receive bonus tickets for any purchase amount, even if they buy just one ticket. This flexibility can encourage participation from those who might be hesitant to commit to a larger purchase upfront.

The Unique Advantage of Promo Codes

Where ticket bundles are available to everyone who views the competition, promo codes allow specific users to offer additional value to their own audience. Promo codes can be quoted in promotions by their owners, drawing attention to the fact that their fans, customers, or audience have the exclusive opportunity to get the specified bonus by using the promo code. This reward is on top of whatever bundles might be available, as participants can use a promo code for a single ticket purchase or in conjunction with any available ticket bundle.

Main Value for Promo Code Owners

The primary value for promo code owners is having a unique hook that offers greater value to their audience. By promoting their specific promo code, owners can:
  • Create a Sense of Exclusivity: Offer their audience an exclusive bonus that is not available to the general public.
  • Enhance Promotional Efforts: Provide an additional incentive for their audience to participate in the raffle.
  • Increase Affiliate Commissions: Earn commissions on sales made using their promo code, incentivising them to actively promote the raffle.
  • Use as a Marketing Hook:  Incorporate promo codes into their marketing messages. Promote the raffle and its prizes with a compelling call-to-action like, “Use promo code XXX to get 5 bonus tickets.”

Best Practices for Creating Promo Codes

  1. Define Clear Objectives:
    • Set specific goals for your promo codes, such as increasing early engagement or attracting new participants.
  2. Create Urgency with Expiry Dates:
    • Encourage quick action by setting expiry dates on promo codes.
  3. Limit Usage per Participant:
    • Prevent abuse by allowing each participant to use only one promo code per competition.
  4. Combine with Other Promotional Strategies:
    • Integrate promo codes with other features like Affiliate programs and Ticket Bundles for a comprehensive strategy.
  5. Reward Loyalty and Attract New Participants:
    • Offer exclusive bonuses to loyal followers and attractive offers to new participants to boost engagement.
  6. Customise Codes for Affiliates:
    • Create unique codes for affiliates to help them promote your raffle effectively and increase conversions.
  7. Monitor and Adjust Based on Performance:
    • Regularly check the performance of your promo codes and make necessary adjustments to maximize their effectiveness.

How Promo Codes Work

  1. Generate Promo Codes:
    • Create promo codes for yourself or other users to promote your raffle.Unique Links: Each affiliate receives a unique link to your competition.
  2. Determine Bonus Tickets:
    • Decide the number of bonus tickets participants will receive when using the promo code.
  3. Set Expiry Dates:
    • Define when the promo code will expire to create a sense of urgency.
  4. Limit to One Code per Participant:
    • Each participant can use one promo code per competition.
  5. Affiliate Commission:
    • If the promo code owner is an affiliate, they will receive the associated commission for sales made through their code.
  6. Unlimited Codes:
    • There is no limit to the number of promo codes you can issue.


Promo codes are more than just a promotional tool — they are a strategic asset that can significantly enhance the success of your raffle. By associating promo codes with specific users who actively promote their codes, you can boost engagement, reward loyalty, increase perceived value, and integrate seamlessly with other promotional strategies. Start using promo codes today and take your raffle to the next level with Raffall.